SI tries its best to fulfill social responsibility.

Business Ethics Regulation

We strive to build a fair and transparent relationship with stakeholders.

For creation of a company that is transparent and trusted, that pursues techical superiority, that is environment-friendly, and that contributes to customer satisfaction and human welfare in accordance with the business philosohy of Sabir Industries, following code of ethics are enacted to establish the judgement standard for desirable thoughts and behaviors which be obsered by all the workers.


We shall gain trust of customers though qualitative improvement of
product and service for transparent and trusted business management making customer satisfaction the top priority.


We shall handle businesses on the basis of good taith,
and observe the related laws as well as morais and oeder of commercial transactions.


We shall perform businesses with honesty and passion of since mind,
and lead business innovation on the basis of expertise.


We shall keep the honor of the company and dignity of individuals,
and shall not ask customer or the other party of transaction to give monetary or non-monetary benefit of any form or receice any such benefit from them.


We shall not use properties of the company for private interest and make the judgment
considering the interest of the company first in case interest of the company conflicts with that of the individual during business performance.